Dr. Ream Al-Hasani mentored Kia Barclay, an undergraduate student at Wellesley College, this summer for the Washington University in St. Louis Neuroscience Pipeline Program. With support from the NIH Blueprint ENDURE Program and Washington University, accepted students are funded for up to two summers in research labs in addition to attending the annual Society for Neuroscience meeting to present their research.
As part of the program, students participated in the Amgen/ENDURE Scholars Mock Fellowship Proposal competition. They were asked to write a mock grant proposal based on their planned summer research in which the work they planned to do this summer served as Aim 1 of the proposal. Aims 2 and 3 described the experiments they plan to perform when they return next summer. Ms. Barclay’s proposal titled ‘Behavioral and Molecular Changes during Fentanyl Withdrawal in C57 mice and its Implications on Relapse Behavior’ received an honorable mention and award presented by the WashU faculty for the 2018 Amgen and BP-ENDURE Fellowship Writing Competition at the program’s closing event.
The students’ summer research experience closed today with the university’s Summer Research Symposium, allowing students to share their summer research with the Washington University community, family, and friends.
Visit http://endure.wustl.edu to learn more about the BP-ENDURE program.